In The Neighbourhood you will be able to see upcoming service rosters, update your availability, see what groups you are part of, contact other members, and register for events.

To get started, log in and take a moment to update your profile. At the top right of this page, hover over your name, then click 'Profile' in the drop down menu. You can choose what personal details others see about you in the 'Privacy Settings' (left menu on your profile page).

We hope these tools will help you get better connected with the St John's community.


Acceptable Use Policy

When you log in as a user of The Neighbourhood, St John’s Community Online you are agreeing to our Acceptable Use Policy.

1. I will only use The Neighbourhood for St John’s centric use and not to promote myself or any outside business, ministry, organisation or group — unless approved by the Senior Minister. The scope of this includes the content of photos, files and messages.

2. I will protect the privacy of members by not giving their phone number or other details to any third party.

3. Communication initiated within The Neighbourhood must uphold biblical standards of speech and conduct. Unacceptable examples include:

  • Sharing jokes, stories, petitions, forwards, etc, or seeking unsolicited information from The Neighbourhood users. (Avoid anything which may be unwelcome or could be regarded as causing a nuisance)
  • Posting files that are unrelated to St John’s
  • Speaking poorly of other people, groups, churches or organizations.

4. Members who engage in discussions must be discerning about what they publicly share online. Whilst we encourage helpful communication to inform our prayers, sensitive issues relating to private or business lives, health, employment opportunities, family relationships, etc, should be shared appropriately face-to-face, particularly within small group gatherings — not online. Use the Online Community with care.

5. Do not share your password with anyone. If you forget your password, you can request a reminder by clicking on 'Forgot Password?' on the login page.

6. Adhere to and respect copyright laws. Every item available on The Neighbourhood may only be used for its original intended purpose, unless prior specific permission is obtained from all copyright holders, including St John's Cathedral, for its re-use.

7. Report to any:

  • Abuses of the above standards that you become aware of
  • Concerns over privacy or other personal settings that you would like to clarify.

​​​​Violations of this policy will result in immediate blocked access to The Neighbourhood, St John's Community Online.


St John's Anglican Cathedral's Privacy Policy is available on our website:

For more information on Australian privacy laws, visit